Over the years, SUNMI mobile devices, being applicable to the retail, restaurant,logistics and manufacturing businesses, have helped business owners to accelerate their digital transformation in store operations.
Over the years, SUNMI mobile devices, being applicable to the retail, restaurant,logistics and manufacturing businesses, have helped business owners to accelerate their digital transformation in store operations.
V SeriesV Series products integrate the functions of printing, barcode scanning, voicebroadcast as well as touch screens, thus meeting merchants’ needs in checkout, ordering, order receiving and management.
L SeriesSUNMI L Series contains handheld computers which can read barcodes, RFID tagsand contactless cards, with which you can enjoy an excellent mobility, and collectand manage a large amount of data efficiently.
M SeriesBig touch screen, easy operation, toughness, guaranteed performance… SUNMIenterprise tablets are designed to meet all your needs in doing business.
SUNMI provides you devices that can accept omnichannel payments – bank cards,QR codes and e-wallets, and also apply for coupon redemption, online orderreceiving and loyalty programs, thus making your day-to-day business moreefficient.
SUNMI provides you devices that can accept omnichannel payments – bank cards,QR codes and e-wallets, and also apply for coupon redemption, online orderreceiving and loyalty programs, thus making your day-to-day business moreefficient.
P SeriesBeing versatile, SUNMI P Series can be used on a checkout counter and in yourhand to accept payments made with a magnetic stripe card, an IC card, an NFCcard or a QR code.
The online and offline integration drives store owners to improve their operationalefficiency and customer experience with solutions integrating various devices andsmart systems.
The online and offline integration drives store owners to improve their operationalefficiency and customer experience with solutions integrating various devices andsmart systems.
T SeriesT series presents industry-leading, award-winning desktop POS terminals, makingit a flagship of SUNMI as well as a good choice for merchants pursuing highperformance.
D SeriesSUNMI D Series is specially designed for those who run start-ups, those whopursue goals without compromises. It integrates the unique SUNMI design DNAand professional performance to meet a store’s daily operation needs.
S SeriesIntegrating weighing, checkout, printing and other functions in one device, SUNMIS Series answers the high requirements on efficiency driven by New Retail. It’suser-friendly UI also adds the convenience for self-service weighing.
Being applicable to restaurants, retail stores, hotels and other sectors, our kioskswill improve your operational efficiency and digital transformation, let alone theconvenience they will bring to your customers.
Being applicable to restaurants, retail stores, hotels and other sectors, our kioskswill improve your operational efficiency and digital transformation, let alone theconvenience they will bring to your customers.
K SeriesA self-service terminal cuts a store’s costs on operations and labor cost, and alsoadds more fun to a shopping experience, thus earning it an increasing popularityand recognition among merchants.
Have your in-store devices connected with our IoT products, and gain higher cost-effectiveness leveraging digital operations.
Have your in-store devices connected with our IoT products, and gain higher cost-effectiveness leveraging digital operations.
Make your devices as versatile as they can be with a wide range of accessories.
Make your devices as versatile as they can be with a wide range of accessories.